All data must be transmitted in JSON format over HTTPS. Each request must include the HTTP header ‘Content-Type: application/json.’
All API methods require client authorization using a Bearer token. This token should be passed in the ‘Authorization’ header. You can obtain the token for the production environment from your account manager.
GET /webhook/merchant/trx_history HTTP/1.1
Host: [](<>)
Authorization: Bearer 06553eb5-0f02-41c1-9e82-0d421dsad12
Created – transaction has been created, but the user has not attempted to make the payment yet. If the attempt to process the payment doesn’t happen within 30 minutes, transaction status will change to ‘Expired’. Once the payment attempt has been made, status will change to ‘Pending’, ‘Failed’, or ‘Paid’.
Pending – ****transaction is being processed, and the status is being retrieved from the bank. The transaction can remain in this status for up to 24 hours, followed by ‘Failed’ or ‘Paid’ if the payment hasn't been processed successfully.
Failed – transaction processing failed, or 24 hours passed without completion while in the ‘Pending’ status.
Paid – payment was successful.
Expired – user did not attempt to pay within the allocated transaction timeframe of 30 mins, and it’s been 30 mins since the transaction creation.
Refunded – funds were returned to the payer at the payee’s initiative.
Chargebacked – funds were returned to the payer at the payer's initiative.
Create a Payment Transaction[POST]
Retrieve Payment Transaction Status